Sunday, February 26, 2012


3 Things I Learned:
  • I learned about the Tunisian uprising. I knew virtually nothing about Arab Spring so I definitely have become more aware of the happenings in the Middle East.
  • I learned Third World was used to describe non-industrialized nations. I had heard it plenty of times, but I didn't even grasp the real meaning of the phrase, let alone the origins.
  • I learned different ways the West controlled their colonial acquisitions, like with colonies, protectorates, spheres of influence, and economic imperialism.
2 Things I Found Interesting:
  • I found it interesting that the US' emigration numbers is misrepresented. I always thought more emigrants came almost entirely to the US. I didn't know that a lot of emigrants went to other European countries and settlements as well. 
  • I found it interesting that King Leopold cut off the hands of five to eight million natives of the Congo. Very much like Hochschild said, I think it's really appalling that we don't ever hear of that.
1 Question I Still Have:
  • How long did the racist ideals and the idea that the white man needed to civilize the "dark" countries continue? Did it end with World War I?

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