Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is the US Imperialistic Today?

Accurate or not?
In some ways the US has been very imperialistic. The US often offers financial aid and military assistance to countries that are working toward a democracy, trying to force our "better" kind of government onto the world. Some people believe that under the pretense of self-defense, we force our ideals on other parts of the world. We have had previous reputations for oppression, reflected in our treatment of the native Americans when America was first discovered and into the 19th century. Also it has gained a larger empire by taking control of some countries in Latin and Central America. The US supposedly has dominant influence in international organizations, like INF, NATO, and the UN security council, reflecting imperialistic aims of control. However, it can be argued that the US is not imperialistic as well. Although the US military budget is huge, the United States is reducing military presence in many countries it has been in for decades, like Japan and Germany. Also, the US has helped restore power and peace to many countries, not taking over like the countries of the age of new imperialism. Lastly, the US no longer tries to conquer territory. There is no more rush to plant the US flag, like there was when they joined in the imperialistic scramble in the 19th century.
             I do believe the US used to be very imperialistic, but not anymore. In the 19th century, there is no doubt about the imperialistic intentions of "opening" Japan. Also, we have taken over many territories in much the same way as other, unarguably imperialistic countries have. Although in the start of World War I, we were keeping up a facade of isolationism, we were still being imperialistic with the aid extended to Britain, and eventually our joining of the war. However, as of today, I believe we're done, at least for now, with those kinds of actions. We no longer try to conquer territory, and I believe our goals in the Middle East are to help, not to enforce our idea of being superior over Middle Easterners.

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