Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tunisian Uprising

Tunisians were unhappy with high unemployment and inflation. They were deprived of freedom of expression, opportunities for political participation, and social reforms. They were discontent with their president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali because he openly displayed his wealth and was very corrupt. In December 2011 a Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire in protest as the police confiscated the produce he was selling. This sparked a series of protests across Tunisia as people finally rioted against the policies they had been long unhappy with. In January, President Ben Ali fled Tunisia, taking refuge in Saudi Arabia, and two months later, his political party and secret service was officially disbanded. In October, they held elections to choose an assembly that would write a new constitution and decide the new plan for continuing the move to democracy. The first assembly was held in November, electing Moncef Marzouki as temporary president and Hamadi Jebali as the new prime minister. Tunisia is continuing its way to democracy, and will soon write a new constitution.

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